Is Your Revenue Team Rowing In The Same Direction?
Here are some steps to make sure that all members of your revenue organization are rowing together in the same direction:
Leading Through Difficult Times
This post focuses on building culture as a key strategy for difficult times and is the first of three blog posts on the topic of culture. Here are a few other things to consider when leading your team through difficult times.
Do You Have A 98 MPH Fastball?
The point of course, was that actions speak louder than words, and client commitment as demonstrated through signed contracts worth $1.5M of ARR speak louder than the complicated story of why the tech is possible.
Are You Driving In The Rear View Mirror?
I recognized the contrast between this legacy way of reporting and today’s best practices when I compared this reporting package with the one that I was helping another client prepare using a modern BI tool. Which would you rather review as an investor or board member?
Nobody Wants To Buy Your Product
This solution to specific pain points was far more effective than showcasing the features of our wonderful product. In fact, as time went on we started doing less and less demos and de-emphasized the product features, focusing more and more on expected results and customer success.