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How to Hire Slow and Hire Well
In Season 1 Episode 4 of the Growth Elevated Leadership Podcast, we discussed the famous phrase - Hire Slow/Fire Fast - after many of our CEO guests referenced it in their interviews. Firing fast is pretty easy to understand, but what does it mean to Hire...

The Missing Million$
The ‘missing million’ completely changed the tone and energy of the customer conversation, and we sold many deals without even demoing our software. Once we understood the true nerve, and we crafted a pitch that could reliably hit that nerve, we almost always won the deal.”

May I Please Pay You More
e question then, is how do you get this magical Net Revenue Retention? I spend a lot of time with clients and portfolio companies addressing this specific question, and I always start with the challenge of How can we get our clients to say: “May I Please Pay You More”.

Is Your Revenue Team Rowing In The Same Direction?
Here are some steps to make sure that all members of your revenue organization are rowing together in the same direction:

What Got You Here… Won’t Get You There
Success in the early stages, however, does not always transfer forward into growth stages for either teams or their companies.

Looking for the Next Stage in Growth – Follow Your Customers
Kevin is responsible for delivering the next several stages of growth for the Company, and acknowledges that “what got us here….won’t necessarily get us to where we are going”.

The Gears of Growth
We have found that sustainable revenue growth cannot be achieved by hiring a handful of superstars, achieving individual acts of heroism, or by implementing a single hack.

Leading Through Difficult Times
This post focuses on building culture as a key strategy for difficult times and is the first of three blog posts on the topic of culture. Here are a few other things to consider when leading your team through difficult times.

Are You Burning Money Chasing Growth (Part 1)
A good friend of mine recently asked how we could apply the concept of acquisition to industrial manufacturing. He strongly suspected that his Sales investments weren’t pulling their weight, and he asked me to help him think through the problem. Here is what we came up with.

The Most Dangerous Metric In Marketing
Why is CPL so dangerous you ask? Because, stand-alone, CPL has zero relevance. In fact, you need four other modifying metrics to make CPL relevant and to put it in context. That’s correct – you heard me right – you need four other metrics to make CPL meaningful!

What Offense Are We Going To Run?
The key is to get started – and figuring out how to get started is helped when you have an overall plan. At the highest level, this is a strategy question, and one best determined at the executive level before hiring your Go-To-Market team.

Do You Have A 98 MPH Fastball?
The point of course, was that actions speak louder than words, and client commitment as demonstrated through signed contracts worth $1.5M of ARR speak louder than the complicated story of why the tech is possible.

Are You Driving In The Rear View Mirror?
I recognized the contrast between this legacy way of reporting and today’s best practices when I compared this reporting package with the one that I was helping another client prepare using a modern BI tool. Which would you rather review as an investor or board member?

Nobody Wants To Buy Your Product
This solution to specific pain points was far more effective than showcasing the features of our wonderful product. In fact, as time went on we started doing less and less demos and de-emphasized the product features, focusing more and more on expected results and customer success.

The Birthday Cake of Complexity
In the end we had six layers which, when stacked on top of each other, resembled a killer birthday cake.

Hiring Salespeople? … That’s The Last Thing You Should Do!
Adding salespeople to your team must be a delicate and calculated process to ensure you get the most out of them.
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